Saturday, September 21, 2019

CPD or Continuing professional development

Once registered in AHPRA as a registered nurse or enrolled nurse, you are required to have completed atleast 20 hours CPD each year as compliance to Nurses and Midwifery Board Association or NMBA. According to AHPRA, 'the NMBA’s Registration standard: Continuing professional development requires nurses and midwives to complete a minimum number of continuing professional development (CPD) hours directly relevant to a nurse or midwife’s context of practice.'

AHPRA defined CPD as  'the means by which members of the professions maintain, improve and broaden their knowledge, expertise and competence, and develop the personal and professional qualities needed throughout their professional lives.'

Complying with this 20 hours is not difficult as each institution will provide an inservice to every nurses. Usually the inservice will last from 30 minutes to an hour. Some nurses are encourage to enrol in a study leave for them to acquire 8 hours of CPD points. If you are one of those nurses that does not have time going to the in-services in your institution, you can do a self study by watching some videos in youtube and write what you have learned. 

Now, you will be asking on how to provide an evidence to AHPRA if you will be asked to provide the 20 hours CPD. Below will be a sample template taken from AHPRA's website as a guide on how to record your CPD.

If you require more information regarding CPD, you can check this on AHPRA's website :


AHPRA 2019, Continuing professional development, viewed 31 August 2019, <>.

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