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Friday, November 22, 2013

IELTS Consultation

I believed that most nurses should join this public consultation of AHPRA. You can find the information below as copied from AHPRA's website.

From AHPRA site:

Public consultation on a review of the English language skills and Criminal history registration standards

National Boards are undertaking public consultation on a review of the English language skills and Criminal history registration standards.
Released: 25 October 2013
Closes: 23 December 2013
Please provide written submissions by email, marked ‘Consultation - registration standards' to by close of business on 23 December 2013.
The Boards publish submissions received on their websites to encourage discussion and inform the community and stakeholders, unless requested otherwise. There may be circumstances under which submissions may not be published. Please refer to the consultation paper for details of how submissions will be treated. Submissions received in response to a consultation are published under Past Consultations.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


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